Complete set of polarization transfer coefficients for the He-3(p,n) reaction at 346-MeV and 0 degrees

Feb, 2008
17 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We report measurements of the cross-section and a complete set of polarization transfer coefficients for the 3He(p,n){}^{3}{\rm He}(p,n) reaction at a bombarding energy TpT_p = 346 MeV and a reaction angle θlab\theta_{\rm lab} = 00^{\circ}. The data are compared with the corresponding free nucleon-nucleon values on the basis of the predominance of quasi-elastic scattering processes. Significant discrepancies have been observed in the polarization transfer DLL(0)D_{LL}(0^{\circ}), which are presumably the result of the three-proton TT = 3/2 resonance. The spin--parity of the resonance is estimated to be 1/21/2^-, and the distribution is consistent with previous results obtained for the same reaction at TpT_p = 48.8 MeV.
  • Submitted to Phys.Rev.C