On the origin of the particles in black hole evaporation
Apr, 2008Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present an analytic derivation of Hawking radiation for an arbitrary (spatial) dispersion relation as a model for ultra-high energy deviations from general covariance. It turns out that the Hawking temperature is proportional to the product of the group and phase velocities evaluated at the frequency of the outgoing radiation far away, which suggests that Hawking radiation is basically a low-energy phenomenon. Nevertheless, a group velocity growing too fast at ultra-short distances would generate Hawking radiation at ultra-high energies (``ultra-violet catastrophe'') and hence should not be a realistic model for the microscopic structure of quantum gravity.- 04.60.-m
- 04.70.Dy
- 04.62.+v
- radiation: Hawking
- temperature: Hawking
- black hole: evaporation
- dispersion relation
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