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Abstract: (AIP)
We explore a mechanism of radiative B−L symmetry breaking in analogous to the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. The breaking scale of B−L symmetry is related to the neutrino masses through the see‐saw mechanism. Once we incorporate the U(1)B−L gauge symmetry in SUSY models, the U(1)B−L gaugino, Z̃B−L appears, and it can mediate the SUSY breaking (Z‐prime mediated SUSY breaking) at around the scale of 106 GeV. Then we find a links between the neutrino mass (more precisly the see‐saw or B−L scale of order 106 GeV) and the Z‐prime mediated SUSY breaking scale. It is also very interesting that the gluino at the weak scale becomes relatively light, and almost compressed mass spectra for the gaugino sector can be realized in this scenario, which is very interesting in scope of the LHC.
  • 14.60.Pq
  • 12.60.Jv
  • 12.60.-i
  • supersymmetry
  • unified field theories
  • neutrino mass