Non-linear Evolution of f(R) Cosmologies III: Halo Statistics
Dec, 2008
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The statistical properties of dark matter halos, the building blocks of cosmological observables associated with structure in the universe, offer many opportunities to test models for cosmic acceleration, especially those that seek to modify gravitational forces. We study the abundance, bias and profiles of halos in cosmological simulations for one such model: the modified action f(R) theory. In the large field regime that is accessible to current observations, enhanced gravitational forces raise the abundance of rare massive halos and decrease their bias but leave their (lensing) mass profiles largely unchanged. This regime is well described by scaling relations based on a modification of spherical collapse calculations. In the small field regime, enhanced forces are suppressed inside halos and the effects on halo properties are substantially reduced for the most massive halos. Nonetheless, the scaling relations still retain limited applicability for the purpose of establishing conservative upper limits on the modification to gravity.References(23)