Black holes in five-dimensional gauged supergravity with higher derivatives
Dec, 2008
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We examine five-dimensional gauged supergravity including terms up to four derivatives. These additional terms correspond to the supersymmetric completion of , and were originally obtained in hep-th/0611329 using conformal supergravity techniques. Here we integrate out the auxiliary fields and obtain the on-shell action for minimal supergravity with such corrections. We then construct -charged AdS black holes to linear order in the four derivative terms and investigate the effect of these corrections on their thermodynamical properties. Finally, we relate the geometrical coefficients governing the four-derivative corrections to gauge theory data using holographic anomaly matching. This enables us to obtain a microscopic expression for the entropy of the solutions.Note:
- 34 pages. Typos fixed, some comments and references added
- supergravity: minimal
- dimension: 5
- black hole: anti-de Sitter
- gauge field theory
- thermodynamics
- supersymmetry: 2
- holography
- entropy
- anomaly