Abstract: (WSP)
We discuss the observation, analysis, and results of the first-year science operation of AMiBA, an interferometric experiment designed to study cosmology via the measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). In 2007, we successfully observed 6 galaxy clusters (z < 0.33) through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. AMiBA is the first CMB interferometer operating at 86–102 GHz, currently with 7 close-packed antennas of 60 cm in diameter giving a synthesized resolution of around 6 arcminutes. An observing strategy with on-off-source modulation is used to remove the effects from electronic offset and ground pickup. Formalism of the analysis is given and preliminary science results are summarized. Tests for systematic effects are also addressed. We also discuss the expansion plan.
  • 98.70.Vc
  • 98.80.Cq
  • 98.80.Es
  • Cosmology
  • cosmic microwave background
  • galaxy cluster