X-Ray Absorption By WHIM in the Sculptor Wall
Jan, 2009Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present XMM RGS and Chandra LETG observations of the blazar, H 2356-309, located behind the Sculptor Wall, a large-scale galaxy structure expected to harbor high-density Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM). Our simultaneous analysis of the RGS and LETG spectra yields a 3-sigma detection of the crucial redshifted O vii K-alpha line with a column density (>~ 10^{16} cm^{-2}) consistent with similar large-scale structures produced in cosmological simulations. This represents the first detection of non-local WHIM from X-ray absorption studies where XMM and Chandra data are analyzed simultaneously and the absorber redshift is already known, thus providing robust evidence for the expected repository of the 'missing baryons'.References(23)