Variability of the transitional T Tauri star T Chamaeleontis
Apr, 2009Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We characterize the physical properties of T Chamaeleontis, a transitional T Tauri star showing UX Ori-type variability, and of its associated disc, and probe possible effects of disc clearing processes. Different spectral diagnostics are examined, based on a rich collection of optical high- and low-resolution spectra. We determine radial and projected rotational velocities, and measure equivalent widths of the Li I (6708 A) line and of the most prominent emission lines (e.g. Ha, Hb and [OI] 6300A)/ we analyse shape changes of photospheric lines via bisector-method, while variability in Ha and Hb is inspected through line-profile correlation matrices. The strength of the Ha and Hb emission is highly variable and well correlated with that of the [OI] lines, as well as with Av variations of over three magnitudes. Variations up to nearly 10 km/s in the radial velocity of the star are measured on analogous time-scale, but with no apparent periodicity. SED modelling confirms the existence of a gap in the disc. Variable circumstellar extinction is pointed out as responsible for the conspicuous variations observed in the stellar continuum flux and for concomitant changes in the emission features by contrast effect. Clumpy structures, incorporating large dust grains and orbiting the star within a few tenths of AU, obscure episodically the star and, eventually, part of the inner circumstellar zone, while the bulk of the hydrogen lines emitting zone and outer low-density wind region traced by the [OI] remain unaffected. Coherently with this scenario, the detected radial velocity changes are also explainable in terms of clumpy materials transiting and partially obscuring the star.References(80)