The Magellanic Clouds Survey: a Bridge to Nearby Galaxies

Apr, 2009
8 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We outline to the community the value of a Magellanic Clouds Survey that consists of three components: I) a complete-area, high resolution, multi-band UV-near-IR broadband survey/ II) a narrowband survey in 7 key nebular filters to cover a statistically significant sample of representative HII regions and a large-area, contiguous survey of the diffuse, warm ISM/ and III) a comprehensive FUV spectroscopic survey of 1300 early-type stars. The science areas enabled by such a dataset are as follows: A) assessment of massive star feedback in both HII regions and the diffuse, warm ISM/ B) completion of a comprehensive study of the 30 Doradus giant extragalactic HII region (GEHR)/ C) development and quantitative parameterization of stellar clustering properties/ D) extensive FUV studies of early-type stellar atmospheres and their energy distributions/ and E) similarly extensive FUV absorption-line studies of molecular cloud structure and ISM extinction properties. These data will also allow a number of additional studies relating to the underlying stellar populations.
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