Ghost-free, finite, fourth order D=3 (alas) gravity
- S. Deser()
- Brandeis U. and
- Caltech
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Canonical analysis of a recently proposed [1] linear+quadratic curvature gravity model in D=3 displays its pure fourth derivative quadratic branch as a ghost-free (massless) excitation. Hence it both negates an old no-go theorem and is power-counting UV finite. It is also conformal-invariant, so the metric is underdetermined. While the 2-term branch is also ghost-free, it has, as shown in [1], a second-derivative, two-tensor equivalent, akin to the second order scalar-tensor form of ostensibly fourth order, , actions. This correspondence fails for the pure quadratic branch: it is irreducibly fourth-order.- 04.60.Kz
- gravitation: model
- invariance: conformal
- scalar tensor
- derivative: high
- dimension: 3