
Quadrupole Power Supply Active Ripple Filters

Jan 24, 1973
26 pages
Report number:
  • FERMILAB-TM-0407

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A 40-kW active filter is used with each of the main accelerator's 12-phase, quadrupole power supplies to reduce the power supply's voltage ripple. The active filter operates on a voltage-bucking principle with the filter output transformer-coupled into the quadrupole bus. Filtering is accomplished by sensing the combined power supply-active filter output and acting upon that signal with the filter to cancel the ripple. The sensed signal is amplified and used to drive a transistor bank which drives the primary of the output transformer in a Class A mode. Under normal conditions, the quadrupole power supplies are operated in a ramped mode with slopes during acceleration of 10410^4 V/sec. The electronics of the active filter is designed to respond only to the first three harmonic components of ripple in the power supply output. Attenuation of the voltage ripple during injection, acceleration, and extraction is approximately 30dB. Quadrupole bus current ripple is correspondingly reduced.
  • [38]

    , Eq. (13) reduces to F(s) = T’s 1 + T’s (39) where T