A Bird's eye view of f(R)-gravity
Sep, 2009
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We survey the landscape of theories of gravity in their various formulations, which have been used to model the cosmic acceleration as alternatives to dark energy and dark matter. Besides, we take into account the problem of gravitational waves in such theories. We discuss some successes of -gravity (where is a generic function of Ricci scalar ), theoretical and experimental challenges that they face in order to satisfy minimal criteria for viability.Note:
- 28 pages, 4 figures, Invited Review for The Special Issue in Cosmology, The Open Astronomy Journal, Eds. S.D. Odintsov et al
- alternative theories of gravity
- dark energy
- dark matter
- gravitational radiation
- gravitation: f(R)
- scalar: Ricci
- expansion: acceleration
- gravitational radiation
- dark matter
- dark energy