Aspects of Flavour and Supersymmetry in F-theory GUTs

Oct, 2009
27 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 01 (2010) 029
Report number:
  • OUTP-09-25P,
  • CPHT-RR107-1009

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We study the constraints of supersymmetry on flavour in recently proposed models of F-theory GUTs. We relate the topologically twisted theory to the canonical presentation of eight-dimensional super Yang-Mills and provide a dictionary between the two. We describe the constraints on Yukawa couplings implied by holomorphy of the superpotential in the effective 4-dimensional supergravity theory, including the scaling with \alpha_{GUT}. Taking D-terms into account we solve explicitly to second order for wavefunctions and Yukawas due to metric and flux perturbations and find a rank-one Yukawa matrix with no subleading corrections.
  • F-Theory
  • Intersecting branes models
  • Quark Masses and SM Parameters
  • supersymmetry: constraint
  • coupling: Yukawa
  • dimension: 8
  • grand unified theory: F-theory
  • twist: topological
  • D-term
  • gauge field theory: Yang-Mills