QCD radiative correction to color-octet inclusive production at B Factories
Nov, 2009
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
In nonrelativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD), we study the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD radiative correction to the color-octet inclusive production at B Factories. Compared with the leading-order (LO) result, the NLO QCD corrections are found to enhance the short-distance coefficients in the color-octet production by a factor of about 1.9. Moreover, the peak at the endpoint in the energy distribution predicted at LO can be smeared by the NLO corrections, but the major color-octet contribution still comes from the large energy region of . By fitting the latest data of observed by Belle, we find that the values of color-octet matrix elements are much smaller than expected earlier by using the naive velocity scaling rules or extracted from fitting experimental data with LO calculations. As the most stringent constraint by setting the color-singlet contribution to be zero in , we get an upper limit of the color-octet matrix element, at NLO in .- 13.66.Bc
- 12.38.Bx
- electron positron: inclusive reaction
- electron positron: annihilation
- channel cross section
- quantum chromodynamics: radiative correction
- higher-order: 0
- quantum chromodynamics: nonrelativistic
- velocity: scaling
- higher-order: 1