Charmed meson decays to two pseudoscalars
Nov, 2009
15 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 81 (2010) 014026
- 0911.2812 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- EFI-09-32
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Abstract: (arXiv)
A recent update of data on the decays of , , and to pairs of light pseudoscalars calls for a renewed analysis of key decay amplitudes and tests of flavor symmetry. The present data change our previous understanding of relative phases between amplitudes that describe Cabibbo-favored decays of the charmed mesons. The new data also seem to favor a smaller octet-singlet mixing angle for the and mesons when singly-Cabibbo-suppressed processes are taken into account. We also discuss the effects of the new data on interference between Cabibbo-favored and doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed decays.- 13.25.Ft
- 14.40.Lb
- 11.30.Hv
- charmed meson: hadronic decay
- charmed meson: branching ratio
- pseudoscalar meson: pair production
- decay: amplitude analysis
- symmetry: flavor
- mixing angle: (eta(958) eta)
- Cabibbo angle