Renormalization in General Gauge Mediation

Jan, 2010
22 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 10 (2010) 041
Report number:
  • KIAS-P09067

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We revisit General Gauge Mediation (GGM) in light of the supersymmetric (linear) sigma model by utilizing the current superfield. The current superfield in the GGM is identified with supersymmetric extension of the vector symmetry current of the sigma model while spontaneous breakdown of supersymmetry in the GGM corresponds to soft breakdown of the axial vector symmetry of the sigma model. We first derive the current superfield from the supersymmetric linear sigma model and then compute 2-point functions of the current superfield using the (anti-)commutation relations of the messenger component fields. After the global symmetry are weakly gauged, the 2-point functions of the current superfield are identified with a part of the 2-point functions of the associated vector superfield. We renormalize them by dimensional regularization and show that physical gaugino and sfermion masses of the MSSM are expressed in terms of the wavefunction renormalization constants of the component fields of the vector superfield.
  • 25 pages, 12 figures
  • Supersymmetry Breaking
  • Supersymmetric gauge theory
  • Beyond Standard Model
  • wave function: renormalization
  • mediation: gauge
  • sigma model: linear
  • supersymmetry: spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • sfermion: mass
  • minimal supersymmetric standard model
  • sigma model: supersymmetry