Primordial Non-Gaussianities from Inflation Models

Feb, 2010
83 pages
Published in:
  • Adv.Astron. 2010 (2010) 638979

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
This is a pedagogical review on primordial non-Gaussianities from inflation models. We introduce formalisms and techniques that are used to compute such quantities. We review different mechanisms which can generate observable large non-Gaussianities during inflation, and distinctive signatures they leave on the non-Gaussian profiles. They are potentially powerful probes to the dynamics of inflation. We also provide a non-technical and qualitative summary of the main results and underlying physics.
  • 84 pages, invited review for special issue of Advances in Astronomy on 'Testing the Gaussianity and Statistical Isotropy of the Universe'/ v3, various improvement and corrections, especially in Sec.6.4, 8.1 & 9.2
  • review
  • inflation: multiple field
  • non-Gaussianity
  • signature
  • density: perturbation
  • correlation function
  • n-point function: 3
  • slow-roll approximation
  • power spectrum
  • effective Lagrangian