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Abstract: (APS)
A careful search has been made for possible CP-nonconserving differences between K+→π+π0γ and K−→π−π0γ decays. In a sample of over 4000 completely reconstructed decays in the charged-pion kinetic-energy interval of 51 to 100 MeV, the asymmetry is 0.005 ± 0.020, with a systematic uncertainty of ± 0.022, indicating no evidence for a CP-invariance violation. This result, combined with that obtained from the sum spectrum, suggests that the direct emission is largely magnetic dipole.
  • k+: decay modes
  • decay modes: k+
  • final state
  • k-: decay modes
  • decay modes: k-
  • CP: violation
  • kinematics
  • photon: emission
  • emission: photon
  • bremsstrahlung