The Structure and Kinematics of the Circum-Galactic Medium from Far-UV Spectra of z~2-3 Galaxies

Mar, 2010
32 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J. 717 (2010) 289-322

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We present new results on the kinematics and spatial distribution of metal-enriched gas within 125 kpc (physical) of Lyman Break galaxies at redshifts z~2-3. In particular, we demonstrate how rest-UV galaxy spectra can be used to obtain key spatial and spectral information more efficiently than possible with QSO sightlines. After recalibrating the measurement of galaxy systemic redshifts from their UV spectra, we investigate the kinematics of galaxy-scale outflows via the strong interstellar (IS) absorption and Lya emission lines (when present), as well as their dependence on other physical properties of the galaxies. We construct a sample of 512 close (1-15 arcsec) angular pairs of z~2-3 LBGs in which the spectra background galaxies probe the circumgalactic gas surrrounding those in the foreground. The close pairs, together with spectra of the foreground galaxies themselves, sample galactocentric impact parameters b=0-125 kpc (physical) at =2.2. The ensemble provides a spatial map of cool gas as a function of galactocentric distance for a well-characterized population of galaxies. We propose a simple model that simultaneously matches the kinematics, depth, and profile shape of IS absorption and Lya emission lines, as well as the observed variation of absorption line strength (of HI, CII, CIV, SiII, SiIV) versus galactocentric impact parameter. We discuss the results of the observations in the context of "cold accretion", in which cool gas accretes via filamentary streams directly onto the central regions of galaxies. At present, we find little observational support for cool infalling material, whereas evidence supporting the large-scale effects of outflows is strong. Reconciling theory and observation on the subject of gas flows into and out of forming galaxies seems necessary.
  • To appear in ApJ; minor revisions to match journal version; added 1 figure, several references, and a subsection discussing the inferred rate of gas outflow into the IGM