Casimir effect of electromagnetic field in Randall-Sundrum spacetime
Aug, 2010Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We study the finite temperature Casimir effect on a pair of parallel perfectly conducting plates in Randall-Sundrum model without using scalar field analogy. Two different ways of interpreting perfectly conducting conditions are discussed. The conventional way that uses perfectly conducting condition induced from 5D leads to three discrete mode corrections. This is very different from the result obtained from imposing 4D perfectly conducting conditions on the 4D massless and massive vector fields obtained by decomposing the 5D electromagnetic field. The latter only contains two discrete mode corrections, but it has a continuum mode correction that depends on the thicknesses of the plates. It is shown that under both boundary conditions, the corrections to the Casimir force make the Casimir force more attractive. The correction under 4D perfectly conducting condition is always smaller than the correction under the 5D induced perfectly conducting condition. These statements are true at any temperature.Note:
- 20 pages, 4 figures
- 11.10.Nx
- 04.62.+v
- 11.10.Wx
- 11.10.Kk
- Field Theories in Higher Dimensions
- Nonperturbative Effects
- Thermal Field Theory
- effect: Casimir
- force: Casimir
- electromagnetic field: effect
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