AKARI observation of the fluctuation of the near-infrared background
Oct, 2010Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We report a search for fluctuations of the sky brightness toward the north ecliptic pole (NEP) with the Japanese infrared astronomical satellite AKARI,at 2.4, 3.2, and 4.1 \mum. We obtained circular maps with 100 diameter field of view which clearly show a spatial structure on scale of a few hundred arcsec. A power spectrum analysis shows that there is a significant excess fluctuation at angular scales larger than 10000 that can't be explained by zodiacal light, diffuse Galactic light, shot noise of faint galaxies or clustering of low redshift galaxies. These results are consistent with observations at 3.6 and 4.5 \mum by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. The fluctuating component observed at large angular scales has a blue stellar spectrum which is similar to that of the spectrum of the excess isotropic emission observed with IRTS. A significant spatial correlation between wavelength bands was found, and the slopes of the linear correlations is consistent with the spectrum of the excess fluctuation. These findings indicate that the detected fluctuation could be attributed to the first stars of the universe, i.e. pop. III stars. The observed fluctuation provides an important constraints on the era of the first stars.Note:
- Astrophysical Journal, accepted