The Conformal Constraint in Canonical Quantum Gravity

Nov, 2010
14 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Perturbative canonical quantum gravity is considered, when coupled to a renormalizable model for matter fields. It is proposed that the functional integral over the dilaton field should be disentangled from the other integrations over the metric fields. This should generate a conformally invariant theory as an intermediate result, where the conformal anomalies must be constrained to cancel out. When the residual metric is treated as a background, and if this background is taken to be flat, this leads to a novel constraint: in combination with the dilaton contributions, the matter lagrangian should have a vanishing beta function. The zeros of this beta function are isolated points in the landscape of quantum field theories, and so we arrive at a denumerable, or perhaps even finite, set of quantum theories for matter, where not only the coupling constants, but also the masses and the cosmological constant are all fixed, and computable, in terms of the Planck units.
  • quantum gravity: canonical
  • anomaly: conformal
  • field theoretical model: renormalizable
  • invariance: conformal
  • beta function
  • dilaton
  • cosmological constant
  • perturbation theory
  • fixed point