SM Higgs boson searches in the early ATLAS data

for the collaboration.
Dec, 2010
6 pages
Report number:
  • ATL-PHYS-PROC-2010-130

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
ATLAS exclusion and discovery potentials of Standard Model Higgs boson searches at the LHC at 14 TeV, 10 TeV and 7 TeV center-of-mass energy are reviewed. For a LHC center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and integrated luminosity of 1 fb1^{-1}, contributions from the important decay channels \Hboson \rightarrow \Wboson\Wboson^{(*)} \rightarrow \ell\nu\ell\nu, \Hboson \rightarrow \Zboson\Zboson^{(*)} \rightarrow \ell\ell\ell\ell and \Hboson \rightarrow \gamma\gamma are considered, based on recent full Monte Carlo simulations at 14 and 10 TeV and the cross-section rescaling for the 7 TeV center-of-mass energy. First measurements of backgrounds to Standard Model Higgs boson search are also presented.
  • 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of IHEPLHC10 Conference (Protvino, Russia, October 2010)
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
  • Higgs particle
  • CERN LHC Coll
  • rescaling