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Abstract: (Elsevier)
Electromagnetic probes such as dileptons and photons are useful to investigate the thermodynamical state of the early stages of heavy-ion collisions. The PHENIX experiment has measured both photons and dileptons in p + p , d +Au, and Au+Au collisions. An excess of dilepton yield over the expected hadronic contribution is seen in the mass region 0.2–0.8 GeV/ c 2 in Au+Au collisions, most prominently at low p T and in central collisions. Direct photons are measured through their internal conversion to electron pairs. We observe a large enhancement in Au+Au collisions over the p + p yield scaled by the number of binary collisions. The latest results from d +Au collisions show that this enhancement cannot be attributed to cold-nuclear-matter effects.
  • Proceedings for HardProbe 2010 conference held at Eilat, Israel in Oct 10-15, 2010
  • direct photons
  • heavy ion collisions
  • cold nuclear effect
  • hot dense medium
  • dilepton: yield
  • photon: direct production
  • enhancement