Do the Ricci and energy-momentum tensors have 'duality'' in the context of their Lie symmetries?

Nov, 2010
18 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
The Ricci and energy-momentum tensors have the same algebraic symmetries. In the Einstein equations they look ``dual'' to each other, in that interchanging them and inverting the gravitational coupling leaves the equations invariant. It may then be expected that their differential symmetry Lie algebras would also be identical. Using cylindrically symmetric static spacetimes it is shown that they are not identical and neither algebra is a subset of the other.
  • tensor: Ricci
  • tensor: energy-momentum
  • algebra: Lie
  • gravitation: coupling constant
  • symmetry: cylinder
  • space-time: static
  • duality
  • Einstein equation