Higgs Portal to Visible Supersymmetry Breaking

Jan, 2011
23 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 03 (2011) 007
Report number:
  • YITP-11-8

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We propose a supersymmetric extension of the standard model whose Higgs sector induces a spontaneous supersymmetry breaking by itself. Unlike the minimal extension, the current Higgs mass bound can be evaded even at the tree-level without the help of the soft breaking terms due to the usual hidden sector, as is reminiscent of the next to minimal case. We also have a possibly light pseudo-goldstino in our visible sector in addition to extra Higgs particles, both of which stem from supersymmetry breaking dynamics. In such a setup of visible supersymmetry breaking, we may see a part of supersymmetry breaking dynamics rather directly in future experiments.
  • Supersymmetry Phenomenology
  • supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
  • supersymmetry: spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • Higgs particle: mass
  • hidden sector
  • electroweak interaction: symmetry breaking
  • Higgs particle: mass spectrum
  • minimal supersymmetric standard model
  • potential: scalar
  • symmetry: U(1)