Wilson loops in (p+1)-dimensional Yang-Mills theories using gravity/gauge theory correspondence
Mar, 2011Citations per year
Abstract: (Elsevier)
We compute the expectation values of both the time-like and the light-like Wilson loops in a strongly coupled plasma of ( p + 1 ) -dimensional Yang–Mills theories using gravity/gauge theory correspondence. From the time-like Wilson loop we obtain the velocity dependent quark–antiquark potential where the dipole is moving through the plasma with an arbitrary velocity 0 < v < 1 and also obtain expressions for the screening lengths. When the velocity v → 1 , the Wilson loop becomes light-like and we obtain the form of the jet quenching parameter in those strongly coupled plasma.Note:
- latex file,17 pages, 8 figures,v2: added references;v3: version to appear in Nuclear Physics B
- gravitation: gauge field theory
- plasma: strong coupling
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- quark antiquark: potential
- screening: length
- jet: quenching
- gravitation: duality
- Wilson loop
- dipole
- field theory: conformal