Exclusive meson pair production in peripheral ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
Mar, 2011Citations per year
Abstract: (Elsevier)
The cross sections for exclusive D+D− and D0D¯0 meson pair production in peripheral nucleus–nucleus collisions are calculated and several differential distributions are presented. The calculation of the elementary γγ→DD¯ cross section is done within the heavy-quark approximation and in the Brodsky–Lapage formalism with distribution amplitudes describing recent CLEO data on leptonic D+ decay. Realistic (Fourier transform of charge density) charge form factors of nuclei are used to generate photon flux factors. Absorption effects are discussed and quantified. The cross sections of a few nb are predicted for RHIC and of a few hundreds of nb for LHC with details depending on the approximation made in calculating elementary γγ→DD¯ cross sections.Note:
- 11 pages, 8 figures
- 25.75.Dw
- 25.20.Lj
- 25.75.-q
- Ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions
- Photon-photon collisions
- Exclusive D D macron production
- Photon–photon collisions
- Exclusive DD¯ production
- Exclusive [formula omitted] production
- D: pair production