String Model with Baryons: Topology, Classical Motion
May, 197419 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 85 (1975) 442-460
- Published: 1975
Report number:
- LPTHE-TH-74/24
Citations per year
Abstract: (Elsevier)
We consider the model in which a meson is an open string with a quark at one end an anti-quark at the other end; a baryon is made of three strings joining at a point, and carrying quarks at their free ends. The triality condition is ensured by orienting the strings according to simple rules. These rules suggest the existence of an underlying magnetic monopole theory. Independently of this “explanation”, we investigate first the topological properties of the model, by looking at the duality diagrams: existence of exotic hadrons, of five basic interactions between strings. Some renormalization diagrams are assigned a negative power of the Veneziano coupling constant. Then, taking the same action (the world-sheet area) as in the conventional string model, we set down the equations of motion of a junction. We argue that the slope of the leading baryonic Regge trajectory is the same as that for the mesons. As an example of an application, we study the “sticking together” of two colliding strings; we find that it is classically forbidden at relative velocities greater than ( 6 7 ) 1 2 .References(11)