Families of exact solutions to Vasiliev's 4D equations with spherical, cylindrical and biaxial symmetry
Jul, 2011Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We provide Vasiliev's four-dimensional bosonic higher-spin gravities with six families of exact solutions admitting two commuting Killing vectors. Each family contains a subset of generalized Petrov Type-D solutions in which one of the two so(2) symmetries enhances to either so(3) or so(2,1). In particular, the spherically symmetric solutions are static and we expect one of them to be gauge-equivalent to the extremal Didenko-Vasiliev solution given in arXiv:0906.3898. The solutions activate all spins and can be characterized either via generalized electric and magnetic charges defined asymptotically in weak-field regions or via the values of fully higher-spin gauge-invariant observables given by on-shell closed zero-forms. The solutions are obtained by combining the gauge-function method with separation of variables in twistor space via expansion of the Weyl zero-form in Di-Rac supersingleton projectors times deformation parameters in a fashion that is suggestive of a generalized electromagnetic duality.Note:
- v1: 77 pages; 3 tables; 23 pages of appendices. v2: 5 additional pages of clarifications, typos corrected
- symmetry: rotation
- charge: magnetic
- charge: electric
- symmetry: axial
- vector: Killing
- invariance: gauge
- boson: field theory
- twistor
- Weyl
- algebra: Heisenberg