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Abstract: (IOP)
AMIGA is an extension of the Pierre Auger Observatory that will consist of 85 detector pairs each one composed of a surface water-Cherenkov detector and a buried muon counter. Each muon counter has an area of 30 m(2) and is made of scintillator st rips with doped optical fibers glued to them, which guide the light to 64 pixels photomultiplier tubes. The detector pairs are arranged at 433 m and 750 m array spacings. In this paper we present the testing and initial calibration system for the scintill ator modules that constitute each muon counter of AMIGA. The scintillator modules are tested with a 'scanner' that consists of an x-'y positioning system that moves a 5 mCi (137)Cs radioactive source over the module taking data at fixed locations. The sca nner both tests the module for possible fabrication defects and stores the light-attenuation curve parameters. A complete scanning process of a 64 strip scintillator module has been performed and results are presented. Also, attenuation curves obtained wi th scanner and with background muons are compared with satisfactory results.
  • muon: scintillation counter
  • fibre: optical
  • Auger: observatory
  • photomultiplier
  • cesium: radioactivity
  • calibration
  • fabrication
  • photon: yield
  • measurement methods
  • performance