Deep Very Large Array Radio Continuum Surveys of GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs)
Sep, 2011Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present the results of deep, high angular resolution Very Large Array (VLA) surveys for radio continuum emission towards a sample of 14 GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs). Identified as massive young stellar object (MYSO) outflow candidates based on their extended 4.5 micron emission in Spitzer images, the EGOs in our survey sample are also associated with 6.7 GHz Class II and/or 44 GHz Class I methanol masers. No continuum is detected at 3.6 or 1.3 cm towards the majority (57%) of our targets (median rms ~0.03 and 0.25 mJy/beam). Only two EGOs are associated with optically thin emission consistent with ultracompact/compact HII regions. Both of these sources exhibit cm-wavelength multiplicity, with evidence that one of the less-evolved members may be driving the 4.5 micron outflow. Most of the other cm-wavelength EGO counterparts are weak (< 1 mJy), unresolved, undetected at 1.3 cm, and characterized by intermediate spectral indices consistent with hypercompact (HC) HII regions or ionized winds or jets. One EGO cm counterpart, likely an optically thick HC HII region, is detected only at 1.3 cm and is associated with hot core line emission and water and 6.7 GHz methanol masers. The results of our exceptionally sensitive survey indicate that EGOs signify an early stage of massive star formation, before photoionizing feedback from the central MYSO significantly influences the (proto)cluster environment. Actively driving outflows (and so, presumably, actively accreting), the surveyed EGOs are associated with significant clump-scale gas reservoirs, providing sufficient material for sustained, rapid accretion.References(87)