Open FRW universes and self-acceleration from nonlinear massive gravity

Sep, 2011
9 pages
Published in:
  • JCAP 11 (2011) 030
Report number:
  • IPMU11-0154

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
In the context of a recently proposed nonlinear massive gravity with Lorentz-invariant mass terms, we investigate open Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universes driven by arbitrary matter source. While the flat FRW solutions were recently shown to be absent, the proof does not extend to the open universes. We find three independent branches of solutions to the equations of motion for the St\"uckelberg scalars. One of the branches does not allow any nontrivial FRW cosmologies, as in the previous no-go result. On the other hand, both of the other two branches allow general open FRW universes governed by the Friedmann equation with the matter source, the standard curvature term and an effective cosmological constant Λ±=c±mg2\Lambda_{\pm}=c_{\pm}m_g^2. Here, mgm_g is the graviton mass, +and - represent the two branches, and c±c_{\pm} are constants determined by the two dimensionless parameters of the theory. Since an open FRW universe with a sufficiently small curvature constant can approximate a flat FRW universe but there is no exactly flat FRW solution, the theory exhibits a discontinuity at the flat FRW limit.
  • 9 pages, V2 with minor revision, and to appear on JCAP
  • gravitation: massive
  • space-time: Robertson-Walker
  • cosmological model