High-Precision and HQET from Relativistic Lattice QCD
Oct, 2011
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a new determination of the leptonic decay constant from lattice QCD simulations that use gluon configurations from MILC and a highly improved discretization of the relativistic quark action for both valence quarks. Our result, \,GeV, is almost three times more accurate than previous determinations. We analyze the dependence of the decay constant on the heavy quark's mass and obtain the first empirical evidence for the leading dependence predicted by Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET). As a check, we use our analysis technique to calculate the mass difference. Our result agrees with experiment to within errors of (better than 2%). We discuss how to extend our analysis to other quantities in and physics, making 2%-precision possible for the first time.Note:
- 5 pages, 3 figures
- 12.38.Gc
- 12.38.Aw
- 11.15.Ha
- quantum chromodynamics: nonrelativistic
- B/s: leptonic decay
- B/s: decay constant
- Heavy Quark Effective Theory
- mass difference: (B/s eta/b)
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo