The Production of Charged Photomesons from Deuterium and Hydrogen. I

Nov 15, 1952
14 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev. 88 (1952) 836-850

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
Hydrogen and deuterium gases have been bombarded in a gas target at a temperature of 77°K and at a pressure of about 140 atmospheres by the 318±10 Mev "spread-out" bremsstrahlung photon beam of the Berkeley electron synchrotron. The charged π-mesons which were produced were collimated at angles of 45°, 90°, and 135° to the beam direction. The π+ mesons were detected with trans-stilbene scintillation crystals using πμ, πβ, and πμβ delayed coincidences and π+ and π− mesons were detected with Ilford C-2 200-micron nuclear emulsions. The ratios of the numbers of π− to π+ mesons produced in deuterium were 0.96±0.10, 1.09±0.12, and 1.21±0.17 for the angles of 45°, 90°, and 135°, respectively. No variation of the ratio with meson energy, outside statistics, was observed. Absolute values for the π+ meson energy distribution functions from hydrogen and deuterium per "equivalent quantum" have been measured at each of the above production angles. The differential and total cross sections have been obtained by integrating over energy and angle, respectively. The experimental ratios of the deuterium to hydrogen cross sections are in good agreement with the phenomenological theory of Chew and Lewis when the Hulthén deuteron function with β=6α is used in the initial state, plane waves are used for the nucleons in the final state, and the bremsstrahlung cutoff is taken into account. The statistics of the data are, however, not sufficient to determine the amount of spin interaction. The excitation functions for hydrogen and deuterium and points on the angular distribution curves in the center-of-mass system have been obtained. An upper limit of 0.08 of the charged π-meson cross section was obtained for μ-meson production from deuterium.
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