
Study of Proton Anti-proton Collisions Using a Large Detector at D0
  • Proposed: Sep 9, 1983,
  • Approved: Feb 10, 1984,
  • Started: May, 1992,
  • Completed: 2001
Successor Experiment:
D0 Collaboration
DZero is a general-purpose particle detector that was located at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory's Tevatron supporting a broad scientific program in quantum chromodynamics, electroweak physics, and searches for new phenomena. The experiment's highly successful inaugural run occurred between 1992 and 1996. At its peak, the DZero Collaboration included 650 physicists from over 80 national and international research institutions from 21 countries. Notable achievements from Run I were the discovery of the top quark, precise studies of the strong and electroweak interactions, and investigations of new phenomena. After an extensive upgrade to the muon, tracking, trigger, and data acquisition systems, the DZero experiment ran from 2001 to 2011. Highlights of the second run include the first observation of single top quark production; evidence, with the CDF experiment, of the Higgs boson production and decay to a pair of b-quarks; a precise measurement of the W boson mass; and discoveries of new heavy flavor baryons and numerous measurements of heavy flavor hadron properties.
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