Cosmological Perturbations
- Julien Lesgourgues()
- IPT, Lausanne and
- CERN and
- Savoie U.
69 pages
- Published: 2013
- 1302.4640 [astro-ph.CO]
Report number:
- CERN-PH-TH-2013-031,
- LAPTH-CONF-012-13
Citations per year
Abstract: (World Scientific)
We present a self-contained summary of the theory of linear cosmological perturbations. We emphasize the effect of the six parameters of the minimal cosmological model, first, on the spectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background temperature anisotropies, and second, on the linear matter power spectrum. We briefly review at the end the possible impact of a few non-minimal dark matter and dark energy models.Note:
- TASI 2013 lecture notes
- Cosmological Perturbations
- Cosmic Microwave Background
- Large Scale Structure of the Universe
- perturbation theory: linear
- cosmological model
- cosmic background radiation: temperature
- cosmic background radiation: anisotropy
- cosmic background radiation: power spectrum
- matter: power spectrum
- dark matter
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