Higgs Bosons in the Standard Model and Beyond

for the collaborations.
Oct 21, 2013

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
In these proceedings I cover the latest results on the production and decay of the recently discovered Higgs boson. While the spin and properties of the new boson, such as its mass and couplings to bosons and fermions, are covered in a separate report, I focus on individual results in the main channels we use to study the properties of the new boson and to search for its possible cousins, with the focus on the latest results from the LHC and the Tevatron collaborations.
  • To appear in Proc. EPS-HEP Conference, July 18-24, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Higgs particle: hadroproduction
  • Batavia TEVATRON Coll
  • CERN LHC Coll
  • Higgs particle: spin
  • anti-p p: interaction
  • p p: interaction
  • Higgs particle: decay modes
  • Higgs particle: mass
  • Higgs particle: coupling