Dark Matter Search With Micro-X Rocket
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- Northwestern U.
- North America
- astro-ph
- hep-ex
- physics.ins-det
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- PostDoc
- Experiments:
- Micro-X Rocket
Deadline on Dec 31, 2015
Job description:
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, DARK MATTER SEARCH WITH MICRO-X ROCKET: Located at Northwestern University, to join the group of Professor Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano. Micro-X is a NASA-funded sounding rocket payload which houses a cryogenic high-resolution microcalorimeter array. The array has 128 pixels, each with a resolution around 3 eV FWHM. This detector system is currently used with an X-ray optic to do Supernova Remnant observations, but we will be converting it over the next two years into a wide field-of-view instrument that will look for X-ray signatures of dark matter decay. Micro-X will have world-leading sensitivity to setrile neutrino dark matter between 1-10 keV. We will also collaborate with the University of Wisconsin to fly the XQC payload, and perform joint analyses of the joint data sets to obtain the best possible sensitivity. We have several flights planned in the coming years from both White Sands Missle Range in New Mexico and the Woomera Test Range in Australia. We will also have an active R&D program in conjunction with our collaborators to improve the payload for future flights. REQUIREMENTS: A Ph.D. in physics. Candidates' background should be in experimental particle or high-energy astrophysics, rocket or balloon experiments, or experimental condensed matter physics. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit a curriculum vitae and have three letters of recommendation sent to: postdoc@figueroagroup.nu
- Figueroa-Feliciano, Enectali (enectali@northwestern.edu)
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Posted 10 years ago, updated 6 years ago