Dark Matter Fraction in Disk-Like Galaxies Over the Past 10 Gyr

Sep 8, 2023
23 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We present an observational study of the dark matter fraction in star-forming disk-like galaxies up to redshift z2.5z \sim 2.5, selected from publicly available integral field spectroscropic surveys: KMOS3D^{\rm 3D}, KGES, and KROSS. To model the HαH\alpha kinematics of these galaxies, we employ 3D forward-modelling, which incorporates beam-smearing and inclination corrections, and yields rotation curves. Subsequently, these rotation curves are corrected for gas pressure gradients, resulting in circular velocity curves or `intrinsic' rotation curves. Our final sample comprises of 263 rotationally supported main sequence star-forming galaxies with redshifts ranging from 0.6z<2.50.6 \leq z < 2.5. We estimate the dark matter fraction of these galaxies by subtracting the baryonic mass from the total mass, where the total mass is derived from the intrinsic rotation curves. We provide novel observational evidence, suggesting that at a fixed redshift, the dark matter fraction gradually increases with radius such that the outskirts of galaxies are dark matter dominated, similarly to local star-forming disk galaxies. This observed dark matter fraction exhibits a decreasing trend with increasing redshift and, on average, the fraction within the effective radius (upto outskirts) remains above 50%, similar to locals. We investigate the relationships between dark matter, baryon surface density, and circular velocity of galaxies. We observe that low stellar mass galaxies, with log(Mstar [M])10.0\log(M_{\rm star}\ [\mathrm{M_\odot}]) \leq 10.0, undergo a higher degree of evolution, which may be attributed to the hierarchical merging of galaxies. Most importantly, we discuss several sources of uncertainties and current limitations in the field, as well as their impact on the measurements of dark matter fraction and its trend across galactic scales and cosmic time.
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