Long-term temporal stability of the DarkSide-50 dark matter detector
13 pages
Published in:
- JINST 19 (2024) 05, P05057
- Published: May 21, 2024
- 2311.18647 [hep-ex]
Citations per year
Abstract: (IOP)
The stability of a dark matter detector on the timescale of a few years is a keyrequirement due to the large exposure needed to achieve a competitive sensitivity. It isespecially crucial to enable the detector to potentially detect any annual event rate modulation,an expected dark matter signature. In this work, we present the performance history of theDarkSide-50 dual-phase argon time projection chamber over its almost three-yearlow-radioactivity argon run. In particular, we focus on the electroluminescence signal thatenables sensitivity to sub-keV energy depositions. The stability of the electroluminescence yieldis found to be better than 0.5%. Finally, we show the temporal evolution of the observed eventrate around the sub-keV region being consistent to the background prediction.Note:
- 13 pages, 5 figures
- Dark Matter detectors (WIMPs, axions, etc.)
- Time projection chambers
- dark matter: direct detection
- dark matter: detector
- dark matter: signature
- WIMP: dark matter
- stability
- sensitivity
- modulation
- time projection chamber: liquid argon
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