Vector mesons from AdS/TC to the LHC

Apr, 2007
24 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
With the use of the AdS/CFT dictionary, a five-dimensional effective description of dynamical electro-weak symmetry breaking with walking behavior is constructed. The minimal model contains only two new parameters, the confinement scale and the effective coupling of the new strong sector. This parameter space is restricted by the precision electro-weak constraints and by the requirement that the five-dimensional coupling be perturbative (corresponding to the large-N regime in four-dimensional language). The lightest observable new states are a set of four nearly degenerate spin-1 states with the same quantum numbers as the standard-model electro-weak gauge bosons, and masses in the few TeV range. Their decay rate is dominated by two-fermion final states. The number of pp -> mu mu and pp -> mu nu events is studied as a function of the LHC integrated luminosity and of the two free parameters. Discovery at the LHC is possible over a significant part of the allowed parameter space up to masses of 4 TeV already with 10/fm of integrated luminosity.
  • 12.60.Nz
  • 12.15.Lk
  • 11.10.Kk
  • electroweak interaction
  • dynamical symmetry breaking
  • dimension: 5
  • space-time: anti-de Sitter
  • field theory: conformal
  • model: minimal
  • vector meson: technicolor