The Electroweak chiral Lagrangian and CP violating effects in technicolor theories
Jun, 199434 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 51 (1995) 240-250
- hep-ph/9406416 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- YCTP-P9-94
Citations per year
We estimate the CP-violating and anomalous form factors, arising from CP-violating interactions in extended technicolor theories, and discuss their future experimental detectability. The electric dipole moment of the boson is found to be as large as {\cal O}(10~{-21}) \; \mbox{$e$ cm}. We connect the CP-odd and couplings to the corresponding CP-violating electroweak chiral lagrangian operators. The electric dipole moments of the neutron and the electron in technicolor theories are estimated to be as large as {\cal O}(10~{-26}) \; \mbox{$e$ cm} and {\cal O}(10~{-29}) \; \mbox{$e$ cm} respectively. We also suggest the potential to observe large CP-violating technicolor effects in the decay .- model: technicolor
- form factor
- coupling: (2W photon)
- (2W photon): coupling
- coupling: (Z0 2W)
- (Z0 2W): coupling
- CP: violation
- four-fermion interaction
- W: electric moment
- effective Lagrangian: chiral
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