Exploring CP violation and penguin effects through Bd0D+DB^0_{d} \to D^{+} D^{-} and Bs0Ds+DsB^0_{s} \to D^+_{s} D^-_{s}

May, 2007
16 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 51 (2007) 849-858
Report number:
  • CERN-PH-TH-2007-092

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The decay Bd0D+DB^0_d \to D^+ D^- offers an interesting probe of CP violation, but requires control of penguin effects, which can be done through Bs0Ds+DsB^0_s \to D^+_s D^-_s by means of the UU-spin flavour symmetry of strong interactions. Recently, the Belle collaboration reported indications of large CP violation in the Bd0B^0_d decay, which were, however, not confirmed by BaBar, and first signals of the Bs0B^0_s channel were observed at the Tevatron. In view of these developments and the quickly approaching start of the LHC, we explore the allowed region in observable space for CP violation in Bd0D+DB^0_d \to D^+ D^-, perform theoretical estimates of the relevant hadronic penguin parameters and observables, and address questions both about the most promising strategies for the extraction of CP-violating phases and about the interplay with other measurements of CP violation and the search for new physics. As far as the latter aspect is concerned, we point out that the Bq0Dq+DqB^0_{q} \to D_{q}^+ D^-_{q} system provides a setting for the determination of the Bq0B^0_q-Bˉq0\bar B^0_q mixing phases (q{d,s}q\in\{d,s\}) that is complementary to the conventional Bd0J/ψKSB^0_d\to J/\psi K_S and Bs0J/ψϕB^0_s\to J/\psi \phi modes with respect to possible new-physics effects in the electroweak penguin sector.
  • B0: hadronic decay
  • B0: branching ratio
  • B/s0: hadronic decay
  • B/s0: branching ratio
  • D: pair production
  • amplitude analysis: decay
  • CP: violation
  • effect: penguin
  • spin: flavor
  • strong interaction