The Three Faces of Omega_m: Testing Gravity with Low and High Redshift SN Ia Surveys

May, 2008
5 pages
Published in:
  • Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 389 (2008) 47

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Peculiar velocities of galaxies hosting Type Ia supernovae generate a significant systematic effect in deriving the dark energy equation of state w, at level of a few percent. Here we illustrate how the peculiar velocity effect in SN Ia data can be turned from a 'systematic' into a probe of cosmological parameters. We assume a flat Lambda-Cold Dark Matter model (w=-1) and use low and high redshift SN Ia data to derive simultaneously three distinct estimates of the matter density Omega_m which appear in the problem: from the geometry, from the dynamics and from the shape of the matter power spectrum. We find that each of the three Omega_m's agree with the canonical value Omega_m=0.25 to within 1 sigma, for reasonably assumed fluctuation amplitude and Hubble parameter. This is consistent with the standard cosmological scenario for both the geometry and the growth of structure. For fixed Omega_m = 0.25 for all three Omega_m's, we constrain gamma = 0.72 +/- 0.21 in the growth factor Omega_m(z)^gamma, so we cannot currently distinguish between standard Einstein gravity and predictions from some modified gravity models. Future surveys of thousands of SN Ia could significantly improve the above tests.
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