Holographic Double Diffractive Scattering
Jun, 2008
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The holographic description of Pomeron exchange in a strongly-coupled gauge theory with an AdS dual is extended to the case of two to three scattering. We study the production event of a central particle via hadron-hadron scattering in the double Regge kinematic regime of large center-of-momentum energy and fixed momentum transfer. The computation reduces to the overlap of a holographic wave function for the central particle with a source function for the Pomerons. The formalism is applied to scalar glueball production and the resulting amplitude is studied in various kinematic limits.- AdS-CFT Correspondence
- Phenomenological Models
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- approximation: strong coupling
- holography
- scattering
- exchange: pomeron
- S-matrix
- Regge poles
- analytic properties