Gravitino phenomenology and cosmological implications of supergravity
Feb, 2010Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Gravitino production in the primordial Universe is investigated into details. After briefly reviewing inflation, supersymmetry and supergravity, we first study the scattering of massive W bosons in the thermal bath of particles, during the period of reheating. It is found that the process generates in the cross section terms which eventually lead to unitarity breaking above a certain scale. This happens by virtue of the supergravity vertex. We show that the longitudinal polarizations of the on-shell W become strongly interacting in the high energy limit, and that the inclusion of diagrams with off-shell scalars of the MSSM does not cancel the divergences. Next, we consider the dynamics and the decay into gravitinos of a scalar field S, which starts oscillating in its potential at the end of inflation. We embed S in a model of gauge mediation with metastable vacua, where the hidden sector is of the O'Raifeartaigh type. By demanding that the gravitinos thus produced provide with the observed Cold Dark Matter density, we modify previous results in the literature, and find that it is easy to account for gravitino Dark Matter with an arbitrarily low reheating temperature.Note:
- Ph.D.Thesis (Advisor: K. Enqvist) •
- 123 pages, Ph.D. thesis (Advisor: K. Enqvist), January 2010
- thesis
- gravitino: dark matter
- gravitino: production
- polarization: longitudinal
- temperature: reheating
- dark matter: density
- field theory: scalar
- mediation: gauge
- supergravity
- inflation