Unification and Phenomenology of F-Theory GUTs with
Sep, 2011
46 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 12 (2011) 032
- 1109.4958 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- IPPP-11-57,
- DCPT-11-114,
- EFI-11-27,
- KCL-MTH-11-17
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We undertake a phenomenological study of SU(5) F-theory GUT models with an additional U(1)_{PQ} symmetry. In such models, breaking SU(5) with hypercharge flux leads to the presence of non-GUT multiplets in the spectrum. We study the effect these have on the unification of gauge couplings, including two-loop running as well as low- and high-scale threshold corrections. We use the requirement of unification to constrain the size of thresholds from KK modes of SU(5) gauge and matter fields. Assuming the non-GUT multiplets play the role of messengers of gauge mediation leads to controlled non-universalities in the sparticle spectrum while maintaining grand unification, and we study the LHC phenomenology of this scenario. We find that the MSSM spectrum may become compressed or stretched out {by up to a factor of three} depending on the distribution of hypercharge flux. We present a set of benchmark points whose production cross-sections and decays we investigate, and argue that precision kinematic edge measurements will allow the LHC to distinguish between our model and mGMSB.Note:
- 46 pages, 15 figures
- sparticle: spectrum
- mediation: gauge
- coupling: gauge
- threshold: correction
- grand unified theory
- SU(5)
- hypercharge
- multiplet
- F-theory