Compact F-theory GUTs with U(1) (PQ)
Dec, 2009
73 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 04 (2010) 095
- 0912.0272 [hep-th]
Report number:
- CALT-68-2765,
- EFI-09-35,
- NSF-KITP-09-209,
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Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We construct semi-local and global realizations of SU(5) GUTs in F-theory that utilize a U(1)_PQ symmetry to protect against dimension four proton decay. Symmetries of this type, which assign charges to H_u and H_d that forbid a tree level \mu term, play an important role in scenarios for neutrino physics and gauge mediation that have been proposed in local F-theory model building. As demonstrated in arXiv:0906.4672, the presence of such a symmetry implies the existence of non-GUT exotics in the spectrum, when hypercharge flux is used to break the GUT group and to give rise to doublet-triplet splitting. These exotics are of precisely the right type to solve the unification problem in such F-theory models and might also comprise a non-standard messenger sector for gauge mediation. We present a detailed description of models with U(1)_{PQ} in the semi-local regime, which does not depend on details of any specific Calabi-Yau four-fold, and then specialize to the geometry of arXiv:0904.3932 to construct three-generation examples with the minimal allowed number of non-GUT exotics. Among these, we find a handful of models in which the D3-tadpole constraint can be satisfied without requiring the introduction of anti-D3-branes. Finally, because SU(5) singlets that carry U(1)_PQ charge may serve as candidate right-handed neutrinos or can be used to lift the exotics, we study their origin in compact models and motivate a conjecture for how to count their zero modes in a semi-local setting.Note:
- 73 pages, 5 figures
- Strings and branes phenomenology
- mediation: gauge
- grand unified theory: SU(5)
- neutrino: right-handed
- Higgs particle: mass difference
- F-theory
- charge: U(1)
- symmetry: Peccei-Quinn
- D-brane: 3
- tadpole