Cosmic Rays in the Milky Way and Beyond
Aug 25, 20137 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B Proc.Suppl. 243-244 (2013) 85-91
Contribution to:
- , 85-91
- SpacePart12
- Published: Nov 24, 2015
- 1308.5482 [astro-ph.GA]
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Cosmic rays (CRs) are the probes of the deep space. They allow us to study particle acceleration, chemical com- position of the interstellar medium, and global properties of our Galaxy. However, until recently studies of CRs were similar to astronomical observations with blurred lenses that capture only the integral brightness of all stars in the field of view. Thanks to the recent technological developments, our “lenses” are now capable of capturing sharp images and making precise measurements of all CR species. We have a full range of unique instrumentation for direct mea- surements of CRs in space and for multi-wavelength observations of their emissions and more missions are coming. The unveiling picture is astonishing. This paper gives a short overview of very exciting developments in astrophysics of CRs in the Milky Way and in other star-forming galaxiesNote:
- 7 pages, 6 figures, invited talk, to be published in Proc. of SpacePart12 (CERN, 2012), Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl
- cosmic rays
- elementary particles
- gamma rays
- diffuse emission
- propagation
- Milky Way galaxy
- other galaxies
- cosmic radiation: galaxy
- particle: acceleration
- propagation
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